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الإعدادات التعليمية الشاملة: الاستفادة من نظام متعدد المستويات لإطار الدعم الإعدادات التعليمية الشاملة: الاستفادة من نظام متعدد المستويات لإطار الدعم - GREAT talks 2020

الإعدادات التعليمية الشاملة: الاستفادة من نظام متعدد المستويات لإطار الدعم الإعدادات التعليمية الشاملة: الاستفادة من نظام متعدد المستويات لإطار الدعم

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Workshop Speakers

د. تريسي هاردستر
د. تريسي هاردستر
مدير – مركز التعلم تي إل سي بمؤسسة قطر

Target Audience

Inclusive Educational Settings: Utilizing a Multi-tiered System of Supports Framework


The multi-tiered system of supports (MTSS) framework related to academics, social/emotional development, and behavioral needs will be presented as a model of inclusion in educational settings.  The conceptual model will be presented across the aforementioned domains with a discussion of how a range of low and high technology can be incorporated across the tiers in a general education setting in order to support students with a variety of learning challenges, disorders, and disabilities.  In this discussion, this model will highlight the importance of a highly trained and skilled multidisciplinary team that makes data-informed decisions and embeds evidence-based practices into the school-based model of supporting and servicing students with special education needs.

Workshop Speakers

Dr. Tracy Hardister
Dr. Tracy Hardister
Director - The Learning Center (TLC)

Target Audience